Cindy Pendleton, Alaskan watercolor artist

Wielding a Broad Brush …
Cindy Pendleton has turned a one-year adventure into 55 years of living in what we call 'The Last Frontier' of Alaska. A Michigan girl by birth, she graduated in 1966 from Wayne State University in Detroit with a degree in Art Education and promptly hopped in a red Willys jeep with her best friend and headed north to Alaska to teach for a year. Cindy retired from the Anchorage School District in 2002 - some 'year'! She's also found time to be active in her church and community, raise two children, and spoil five grandchildren.
When she wasn't teaching art, Cindy served as chief still photographer and art consultant for Pendleton Productions, her late husband Bob's film production company. Cindy also formed her own small commercial art business, Pendleton Fine Arts, where her watercolors and limited edition prints are sold throughout Alaska and the Pacific Northwest.
While skilled in many mediums, watercolor is her favorite tool, and children are her favorite subjects. "After nearly thirty years of teaching children, I see beauty in every one." Her popular and widely recognizeable series of Alaskan children were born of this affection. In addition to her lighthearted and fun paintings of Alaska's kids, Cindy wields a skilled brush and a keen eye for Alaska's splendor, its people, and its places.
From greeting cards and prints at a holiday or summer trade show, gallery pieces and her ever growing 'Forget-me-not' series of disappearing Alaskan landmarks, to logo designs and commissioned portraits, Cindy transforms pigments into memorable images that tell the Alaskan story.