It’s THAT Time Again…. August 28 2021, 0 Comments
Sumthin’s cooking at PFA…
A New Holiday card
A New porcelain ornament
A New set of blank greeting cards
And perhaps a few surprises!
Yep, its time to gear up for the fall/ holiday season. I
have decided to delay returning to the bazaar circuit for another year, and will be putting out the word via FB, and email. Porchside pickup was quite successful last year, so I will continue to make it available for all local online sales. There may also be some specials for online shoppers- (as soon as I can figure out how to add them to the checkout system).
If you would like to be added to an email list for PFA, please pm me your addy and I’ll add you to my contacts. ( I promise not to flood your mailbox!)