Cindy's Stuff
It’s THAT Time Again…. August 28 2021, 0 Comments
Upping the Game at PFA October 20 2020, 0 Comments
As everyone pretty much knows by now, this has been an unprecedented year of change for the world. The good news is we carry-on, trusting this isn’t forever. PFA is no exception. So here is what’s happening with PFA. I have made the decision to cancel all showings and bazaars for the 2019 season. In order to make my merchandise still available I’ll be adding new things to my website continually. Hopefully you will be able to find almost everything you might see at my booth this year. If not, I welcome you to contact me via phone or email , and I will do my best to accommodate your wishes. I have tried to make shipping and handling as reasonable as possible. The really good news is, for those of you who are local, I now have a pick up option at check out. That way you can avoid shipping fees by picking up your order at my doorstep. I will do my best to have your purchases ready within 24 hours. Also, I will be following all the mandates expected of a brick and mortar shop, including white glove treatment in handling of all purchases. Please know that I am a one person store, and that person can only accomplish so much at one time.
I know that I am going to really miss seeing an awful lot of friends and families by not doing the seasonal shows. But as I said above, this won’t be forever. Have a safe and happy shopping season, and oh yes, be sure to shop small!
Contacts: Email -
PFA mobile - (907) 3604678 leave voicemail or text message
Just a Reminder... November 11 2019, 0 Comments
My last show for the season will be at UAA on December 7, 2019. I am busy restocking and packaging for the show so that there will be plenty of new items for you to check out. The 2019 ornaments are selling fast, as are the holiday cards for 2019. There is a limited supply available here on my website, and downtown at St Paul’s Corner Bookstore. (5th & I). They will be available until supplies run out.
Here is the info for the UAA: Sat. Dec 7th
UAA Craft Fair UAA Student Union Bldg /Providence Drive. 10:00a - a 5:00p
I am usually right in the cafeteria, downstairs by the Subway Shop. Stop by and say hello!
Ready to Run ! (Again) October 27 2015, 2 Comments
Camai! Its been a while since I lasted posted what's happening here at PFA. Life is what's happening, and I always seem to run out of time before I run out of ideas and things to do. I wanted to post my 2015 Holiday schedule for those of you who are local, and also let everyone know that I will finally be able to upgrade this site and add some new things for sale. Keep checking back, and if you "do" Facebook, I have a Facebook page called, "Pendleton Fine Arts" . By going to the page and hitting the like button, you will be able to keep current with the happenings here at PFA.
My Bazaar Schedule for this season:
Sat, Nov 7th
Rabbit Creek Christmas Towne Bazaar
South High School
13400 Elmore Rd.
10:00a - 4:00
Sat, Nov 14th
City Church Alaskan Christmas Bazaar
1301 West 100th Ave
9:00a - 5:00p
Sat Nov 14th
Betty Libbey Bazaar.
Holy Family Cathedral
5th and H St.
9:00a- 3:00p
(Table will be cared for by B Boring )
Thanksgiving Weekend ( in Kenai)
Fri Nov27 - Sun Nov 29th
Kenai Arts &Crafts Fair
Kenai Central High School
10:00a - 5:00p
(Table will be cared for by Amy Murrell-Haunold)
Sat. Dec 5th
UAA Craft Fair
UAA Student Union Bldg ( downstairs)
Providence Drive
10:00a - a 5:00p
It's Bazaar Time! October 27 2014, 1 Comment

Time to Harness Up Again October 13 2014, 0 Comments
The bazaar season is about to begin again for me, so I thought I'd post my 2014 schedule for the local folks and or visitors to our great city of Anchorage. While the task of setting up shows and taking them down gets a bit wearing, the fun of meeting new folks, and greeting old friends always excites me. Its a "swirl of activity" time of year with lots to do, and a finite time in which get things done. I hope to have the opportunity to meet as many of you as possible in the next couple of months, so stop on by if you can, and if you can't, feel to say hi via this blog.
Camai! Cindy Pen...
2014 Holiday Bazaar Schedule
Sat, Oct 25 th
St John's Methodist Church
1801 O'Malley Road
9:00a - 4:00p
Sat, Nov 1st
Rabbit Creek Christmas Towne Bazaar
South High School
13400 Elmore Rd.
10:00a - 4:00
Sat, Nov 15th
City Church Alaskan Christmas Bazaar
1301 West 100th Ave
9:00a - 5:00p
Sat Nov 15th
Betty Libbey Bazaar.
Holy Family Cathedral
5th and H St.
9:00a- 3:00p
(Table will be cared for by B Boring )
Anchorage Art Museum
Sat. Dec 6th
UAA Craft Fair
UAA Student Union Bldg ( downstairs)
Providence Drive
10:00a - a 5:00p
Just a Wish for you... February 13 2014, 0 Comments
Jumpin' January! January 23 2014, 0 Comments
I love the Christmas season, with all its happy hustle! Then, when all the glitter of the holidays is finally returned to storage, I can be on to something new. I always look forward to January, because it signals my time for creativity. With the new year comes what I call my "charity challenges".
There is always a list of volunteer opportunities for artists. I guess, I feel that I was given the gift of being an artist, so I should share that gift with others. The bad news about retirement is that there is little cash to be given when on a fixed income.The good news is there is additional time to do something that will bring in that cash for a cause. On my list of to-dos this year is a logo design for a wonderful new children's wellness program in the ASD, the brainchild of one of the Athletic directors at UAA. Then there's a cachet design for the Philatelic folks here in Anchorage. (Stamp collectors- for those who aren't up on fancy names). I'm also again involved in the transformed treasures project with the Salvation Army, the art auction for KAKM , and a redesigning of a couple of toys for the American Diabetes Assoc's big Gala silent auction. I'll be writing More about these fun projects as they are completed.
On the website, I will be adding some of my originals for sale, so please check in often and see what's up.
Dancing in Your Underwear December 19 2013, 1 Comment
Well, my busy season of bazaars and shows has come to an end for 2013. There were shows with weather challenges, lots of hauling totes filled with merchandise, lighting and things to make a space look inviting. There were also countless hours of chatting with customers, interspersed with surprise visits with old friends and former students. While I am breathing a sigh of relief that another successful season has been accomplished, I'm also a bit sad to see it go. Its sort of like that feeling you get when a favorite house guest leaves; sorry to see them go, but relieved that you can once again dance around the house in your underwear if you wish!
Please remember that my products are still available on line if you received gifts of cash that are burning a hole in your pocket. After the holidays I will be adding some of my original watercolors to the lineup of products. While original artwork is initially more expensive than limited edition prints, in the long run they are a better investment.
And now its time for me to write out those Christmas cards, wrap some presents, make this ol' house smell like Christmas by baking some cookies. I wish you all the best holiday ever- and may God bless us, everyone!
Just in Time for the Holidays! November 20 2013, 0 Comments
As I mentioned before, I will be adding a few more items as the weeks go by, and this seemed the right time to add some of my holiday ornament collection.
Back in 2008, my cohorts at Taku Graphics in Juneau invited me to create a design for their collection of Alaskan artists' holiday ornaments. I was skeptical of their appeal because they weren't a fancy ceramic disk, but rather a masonite material. Boy was I wrong! Customers liked the fact that they were a bit of Alaska that could be easily added to a card and mailed anywhere safely. In fact, they were so successful at my bazaars that I decided to create one design a year, hand signing and dating each one. I am on my 6th year now, and must admit I enjoy coming up with a unique piece of art for these little gems every year.
In order to make the ornaments more cost effective shipping wise ( who would pay $6 shipping for a $6 purchase?) , I have grouped them into two 3Packs, dropping the price to $5 per ornament ($6 reg) for a total of $15 for the package. One pack features a light hearted look at the holiday season; the other is a bit more religious in theme.
Here's a happy, and meaningful holiday season ahead! ( s'cuse me now, I gotta get to baking for that Thanksgiving feast that is right around the corner),
Cindy Pen...
Here we go, or, as the mushers say,"HIKE"! November 06 2013, 0 Comments
Well, Folks, a few minutes after I finish this post I will be officially launching this website. I am excited to finally be able to offer my products online. After almost 15 years of selling my artwork locally at bazaars and in places throughout Alaska, its great to be able to make my work available to customers across the country. Not all of what I offer is available online yet, but this is just the beginning of a new adventure. I will be adding more and more items over the next few months. Please check in often to see what's new. You can follow my local news by on clicking on my Facebook page. For Anchorage folks, there's a list of my 2013 season bazaar shows below.
So welcome to my website, I hope you enjoy your visit!
Cindy Pen...
Sat, Nov 9th
City Church Alaskan Christmas Bazaar
1301 West 100th Ave
9:00a - 5:00p
Sat, Nov 16th
Lumen Christi Angel Bazaar
8110 Jewel Lake Road
(Behind St. Benedict's Church)
9:00a - 4:00p
Fri/ Sat, Nov 29th & 30th
ReadAlaska Book Fair
Anchorage Art Museum
6th & A St. ( upstairs , above fountain)
F/S, 10:00a - 6:00p
(I will not be there Sun)
Sat. Dec 7th
UAA Craft Fair
UAA Student Union Bldg ( downstairs)
Providence Drive
10:00a - a 5:00p